CDDC 2019 LSCVM Writeup

This is actually a challenge from the qualifiers, but because this challenge will be used in the Finals again so we weren’t allowed to post about it until after the finals. More on that later, here’s the writeup. LSCVM: Immaculate Invasion DESCRIPTION During our recon on the notorious fools of LightSpeedCorp, we have discovered this service which runs on a really simple, tiny, trivial, virtual machine that they have created....

June 14, 2019 · 6 min · David

CDDC 2019 Qualifiers Writeup

This year’s CDDC Qualifiers was very different from the previous year which was more of an ‘red team’ ctf, this year’s qualifiers is a jeopardy style ctf and it’s pretty focused on OSINT which I’m not really into, but anyways here are the writeups for some of the more interesting challenges I solved. [B-1] Fight the Binary Monster Category: OSINT_Blue Drats, we found an unknown executable that someone uploaded to one of our web servers....

June 4, 2019 · 5 min · David